

You may find various links throughout my blog posts or other pages intended to provide further informational resources or inspiration. This page especially is dedicated to those living relationships, beloved people & projects with whom I am personally interwoven in my work & my walk through life.

I am but one within a great network of inspired individuals & communities dedicated to living in restorative & regenerative relationship with each Other, with Nature, with Self, with Life & Death.

I share with you these Alianzas (alliances) in good faith, with the care I would afford my own family, as these are projects & peoples who I support with all of my Heart. This page comes as well with the invitation for you to participate, should you feel the call & be here with pure intention. I/we are mostly based out of the Pacific Northwest & places throughout Europe & South America.

It is through such relationships and all of the gifts I have received therein that I am able to extend my hand to you now, inspired & empowered to share my offerings here.

If you would like to learn more (or teach me!), request my services or collaborate with me, please reach out. Let us continue building & strengthening this web of relationships together ~ beautiful human hearts in service.


NATIVA OSTARA ~ based in Austria, the heart of Europe

“We are Nativa Ostara, a community & family walking towards a future together (~ to gather). Our vision is to connect to our roots and ancestral memory. Within the territory from deep within, to, around & wide without.Grounding back into our Indigenous European ways and re-integrating the ancient & old into the new wisdom. Becoming again a symbiotic voice for the land and the territory we live in.Re-indigen-izing * Re-indiegen-isierung (~ it is in our genes, we come back home to the memory within).” 

AYLLU TIQSI MUYU ~ based in the Andes region of Colombia

“We are the Ayllu Tiqsi Muyu, a community inhabited by grandparents, adults, youth and children who for 12 years have focused our lives towards environmental reorganization based on ancestral thinking.”

LICHTANKER ~ based in Vienna, Austria

"We are an association for the promotion of spiritual health promotion, physical and mental regeneration and the holistic formation of awareness...a place where people with different knowledge, skills and contacts come together and exchange what is needed; where diverse opinions, methods, new technologies, attitudes, and worldviews can meet and where one can try, discuss, meditate, contemplate, create and manifest. We follow no ideology and no political or religious intentions.
Today the team consists largely of medical anthropologists and consciousness researchers. LichtTanker supports you in seeing your own way and in finding access to yourself and your environment. We network and find a bridge to joyful togetherness...

And many other internationally-based, independent thinkers, visionaries, agents of transformation, community regeneration, & more...