The Blueberry Fairy

The Blueberry Fairy

Regenerative Detoxification Specialist
& Holistic Health Coach

I offer services & resources to aid you in understanding how to clean & regenerate the body through raw food (fruit), herbs, and lifestyle.

I work within a whole systems approach to health, one which seeks to create and sustain positive transformation via balanced relationships. This includes our relationship to the food we eat, to ourselves and our well as how we relate to and communicate with significant others, our community, the natural world and beyond.

I can offer accompaniment, guidance, and support for your journey of healing. I do not treat, prevent, or diagnose "disease," but rather lend myself as your witness, confidant, and accountability partner. I am an artist of motivation and passion for living, here to reflect with you, to challenge you, to inspire you...

For more information visit, a site dedicated completely to my services in the realm of positive health transformation.

The vast majority of people know & experience only a tiny fraction of the true potential of the human body... (↓)

...this beautiful, intelligent, self-healing vehicle, vessel, organism which allows us to experience the eternal dance of Life & Death...

To be or not to be in the body...hmm. The body can be both prison and paradise to dwell within. As nice as it can be to take a break & fly away sometimes...dwell within them we must, for now. May we learn to see & know this as the gift it is.

It is part of my mission here on Earth to restore the integrity of the human body, awaken people to the inherent & natural Beauty existing within & beyond themselves, and come into harmonious & loving relationships with their bodies.

Our body is working for us every day (often taking quite a beating!). Our body is our life partner and health is our greatest asset. Our body is a gift we have received by the blood, sweat, and tears of those thousands of ancestors who made it...they survived, they persisted, they loved & lost & wept & fought & laughed & danced & NOW WE ARE HERE. We are far stronger than we think! Our body is made up of this information, the very fabric of our matter woven by the countless threads of their stories & experiences...just as our heart continues weaving now the seeds of our dreams, regrets, lessons, & hopes for the sons & daughters yet to come...Every. Moment. Matters. Now it begins & ends with you!

What if I told you, that you have a divine blueprint existing in each One of your cells, in the memory of the waters that flow & cycle from your head to your toes, in the light behind within your eyes? That a natural sense of peace, joy, and connection is inherent within your natural state...a body flowing and functioning in balance as is its design?

It may seem far-fetched but I beseech you now, to leave just a little gap open in your mind & heart for faith in the great possibility before you now.

Your allies are everywhere to help you return to this natural state of wellbeing: the plants, the Earth, the People (controversial one but I say yes!), the stars, and the Spirit of Love. Our body is a key interface for communication & exchange with these allies--with the great masters of Life & Death. The more we clean & attune our instrument of communication, coming again into our natural sensitivity & the deeper levels of perception & awareness we are capable of, the greater our connection to ourselves and all of our relations.

Everything is full of Life, Wisdom, Song, and it is speaking to you hear it? Are you truly capable of listening?

It is vital now that we come into the full embodiment of our own spirit, remembering, awakening, and activating our gifts. In order to do so, it is essential to make space and clean out all that is obstructing or distorting the flow of energy on all levels (mind, body, emotions, spirit). For this, detoxification is a powerful & simple tool.

May our waters flow crystal clear as we grow to know true wholeness, directing our creative power into that which is Life-sustaining & Self-affirming.

Keys 🗝 for your journey in WHOLENESS 

  1. Rememberance: you are already whole.
  2. Dedication & commitment to oneself & one's journey.
  3. Take responsibility for you own journey...self-sovereignty.
  4. Deep listening, respect, and Love for your body & yourself. Presence.
  5. Keep it simple! Learn the simplicity of healing.
  6. Know & remember your why.
  7. Letting go of the past. Trust.
  8. Discipline & determination, as acts of Love.

Other helpful tips ~

  1. Find someone to help guide you on your chosen healing path. If you would like to try a detox protocol specifically, I would recommend working with a professional in this field.
  2. You can also do your own research and experiment for yourself as most people do, but be wary of the information you get off the internet! Yes, even this website now. Check for yourself, check the source, learn to listen, & be wise with your body. Here are several great Resources to get you started.
  3. Do the inner work. Be realistic & patient with yourself, considering the demands of your direct environment, the nature of your lifestyle as is, and the urgency of the issue you are trying to fix.
  4. Surround yourself with supportive relationships & beautiful settings. Spend time alone and in nature. Give thanks. This is a journey HOME, celebrate your arrival now! You are alive, you are Wonder-full!
  5. Trust the process. In-Joy!
  6. If possible, book yourself a little house on the beach or in the jungle... somewhere where the water is warm and blue and the fruit is fresh, sweet, and in abundance! Bring your Lover if you want...but just you is OK, too.
    & Go swimming every day in the ocean. ♥️ 🌈 🌊

Some food for self-reflection...

How is your relationship to Life?
How is the integrity of your thoughts, words, and actions?
Are you living your authentic self?
How is your communication?
How are your communicating to your body via the foods that you eat?
How are your inner and outer worlds reflecting One~an~Other?
The information provided on this website is for educational purposes only. Viewers should make their own independent inquiries and judgments before acting on any information found anywhere on the internet!