Be Well & Find your WHY!

Be Well & Find your WHY!

Why do you want to be healthy?
Why do you want to have more energy – for what?
Who in your life benefits from – or depends on – you to be well? To be present and available? To be able to listen and feel the full capacity of your Heart...and share it, too? (I sure hope you do.)

Why is it worth it to invest your time, your energy, your attention into the wellness of your body, heart, mind?

Making a decision to be healthier or to make positive changes in one's lifestyle is rather easy. Bringing to fulfillment and sustaining that decision, however...more challenging.

However you want to affect and sustain positive transformation in your life, it is important to find your WHY. Find it, write it down, speak it out, and remember it – daily if needed. Be open to allow it as well to expand and transform with you as your journey unfolds.

A strong, well-anchored WHY has the potential to serve as a foundation and powerhouse for sustaining your efforts on a daily basis. Emotions change, impulses and whims come and go, new situations and people bring different energies, opportunities, and temptations. Sometimes it only takes a few hours to forget about that great intention you set or the word you gave – the state of being human is one of perpetual forgetfulness. Furthermore, it seems we have developed a collective habit towards instant gratification rather than long-term, whole-hearted satisfaction or true fulfillment.

Within the ever-changing flow that is Life, knowing our WHY helps us to discern in each moment what truly corresponds to our true Will – that Will that aligns and abides within & beyond the greatest heights and depths of our Heart. The one who cares most sincerely and comprehensively for the highest interests of ourselves and of our relations...The Will that is the Center of our true power of creation and manifestation.

Will to Freedom

Knowing and remembering your WHY applies to sustaining any form of intention, prayer, or life-renewing action. However, in accordance with the work I do as a regenerative detoxification specialist, I would like to contextualize this Word further in the realm of health and healing.

Detoxification (cleaning and healing the body with diet and herbs) can be easy enough to initiate, but very difficult to sustain.

It is an activity that most often requires us to go beyond our daily, even life-long patterns, routines, and conveniences. Day after day, hour by hour even, we have to decide again and again for that which allows us to advance according to the Will to Freedom, Health & Vitality. On the physical level, this translates to alkaline chemistry – that pretty much means only herbs and fresh, living fruits and greens! However, emotions and thoughts may also be acid or alkaline in nature based on the physical responses they initiate in the body. Everything is related, everything is one!

Here are some examples of the challenges of sustaining a detox protocol.

When the cravings kick in and all the micro-organisms that you've built up after years of eating cooked, acid-ash foods start screaming for something to eat NOW – what do you decide?
When your friends go out to eat and several big juicy steaks start arriving to the table, what do you decide? What about when you pass the countless windows, aisles, and advertisements full of fake food and instant pleasures?
When your detox begins to stir up old emotions and memories, and waves of sadness or rage from long-ago times of love and loss arise to be released... How do you deal with them when the usual coping mechanism of emotional eating and de-sensitization are unavailable?
When you feel HANGRY and the monkey mind is throwing sh*t at you!? What do you do?

The list goes on and on...

This is why there are little to no quick and convenient fixes when it comes to true healing and transformation. In the process of sustaining within our day-to-day existence the Will to heal, we are asked not only to change our habits of eating but also our habits of mind and the tools we use to navigate the diversity of experience that Life brings us. We are asked to feel all the feels and reflect on our relationship [to all], to develop new skills and tools for emotional- and self-regulation, and in doing so also improve our communication with self and other. Along the way we have a multitude of possibilities to transform challenges into gifts of knowledge, wisdom, and growth.

*More on emotional regulation techniques coming soon...


To close our time together, I will share a few of my own personal why's – why I do what I do, why I practice the art of detoxification, why I care so much about the food that I/We eat, why I love to work with the plants, why I go to Nature to find healing (or to remember my Wholeness), why I take the time to share this with you...

To feel good!
Simple...because when I feel good, I am calmer and more patient, I enjoy myself and others, I am more kind, loving, and present with those around me, and can express the many facets of my personality with greater ease and playfulness.
To recover my natural sensitivity...
To fully hear, feel, smell, see, taste and sense all of the information within and around me. To enter into conscious, respectful, and balanced reciprocity/relationship with all of Life – the territory in which I live, all the People, plants, and animals that I love, the subtle realms of the Spirit and its messengers...that dynamic aliveness and co-creation through many diverse forms and expressions.

Many anthropologists assume and teach that the original peoples of the Earth learned what they know about plants and medicines (which is A LOT) via trial and error. However, if you ask many of the Indigenous peoples and elders today, they will tell you quite nonchalantly that they know what they know because the plants themselves told them. It is not strange or mystical for them to have a conversation with a plant or a tree, as a matter of fact they are some of the best teachers out there.

By increasing my natural sensitivity, fine-tuning my senses, and enlivening the communication networks within my body, detox has shown me firsthand that it is our nature and birthright to be in deep communication and connection with the world around us.
To show up for my family, my friends, my communities, my nation...
This is a big one so I will try to keep it concise and grounded for our purposes here! When my whole system is more balanced – when I am grounded, connected, and well-resourced from within – the implications for how I might show up and serve the systems around me is near endless...
I think more clearly and creativity, I am more patient and loving as mentioned above, I am sensitive to the subtle messages and needs of others, I have more energy to follow through on all of the beautiful projects, seeds, and inspirations, etc!

My body, the strength and flexibility of my spine (& mind, heart, root, etc) becomes the quite literal staff with which I may advance along and sustain pathways for myself and for all of my relations.
To honor this gift that is Life and Death!
To uncover the true possibilities of this divine technology that we call the body. To regenerate genetic weaknesses and cut multi-generational patterns of suffering and unconsciousness and thus, prepare my own body to have healthy, awake children.

To be an example so that the children of today may have a clearer choice and chance to be well and develop their highest potentials.

So....DISCLAIMER alert. I am still quite young and idealistic, with lots to learn (a baby really in the whole of things). Even though I may have had some pretty unexpected and unimaginable experiences, gifts of Life & Death, to awaken me to some of these possibilities and pathways...the possibilities are endless and the pathways many.

As a matter of fact, I am quite confident that even my most mind-blowing and heart-opening experiences are as snowflakes on the tip of the iceberg. The mystery continues to unfold, revealing more and more just how little I know. And I love the adventure of not knowing and the great capacity of learning that it brings.

Finally, I would like to remind you to remember ALWAYS that you are the driver of your own "car" – only you hold the memory of your true origins, who you are and your reasons for being here, as well as the Will to get yourself where you need to be. Do not let anyone tell you what is possible for you or not, no matter what degree of authority they purport to have or how bleak things may seem to be. And if you need help, reach out – there are many of us here to support you on these small green byways and roads less traveled.

I hope you could at least take a little spark of heart, or a tip or two for your journey from what I've shared here.

Ness <3