Who is AlltSighe?

Source & intentions for our name, AlltSighe.

Who is AlltSighe?

ALLTSIGHE is the combination of two Gaelic words; ALLT means river or flowing water; SIGHE (pronounced ‘shee’) means faerie woman, magic woman, or female wolf. So put together you have something roughly the equivalent to “the river of the faerie woman” or of the female wolf.

I chose to use a Gaelic name for this site because Gaelic is an ancestral or Indigenous language, one which is close to home for my own body & blood. As opposed to more modern, conceptual languages such as English, Indigenous languages are composed primarily of vibrations & rhythms. These Mother Tongues are a mirror & expression of the territory they’ve grown out of, just like the People who speak them.

Traversing among the rolling emerald hills and mountains, waterfalls and springs, & mossy mushroom-filled forests of Scotland, Ireland, Iceland & other places, you will find many spaces especially dedicated to the fairies ~ those mysterious otherworldly folk with a thousand names & faces, said to bless & to curse depending on time, season, occasion. Or perhaps you know of a place near home in Nature with an air of lightness & depth in One, a place where the silence seems to sing & Beauty abounds yet somehow still remains unseen. This is an ode to the mystery & magic of Life that abounds in Nature around & within us, that we may all remember to see behind appearances of things & utilize our creative force to manifest Beauty & harmony in all.


And of course, Water, Water, Water! Carrier of memory, reflection of the Heart, fount of Life. Universal waters connecting us all.

It is my mission, my service, my honor & pleasure to carry & bring the Water for the People, the Land, for Self & all relations…living waters, waters of purification and renewal.

I am but one river on my Way back to the ocean. I am a river with many currents, streams & bends & stones representing thousands, millions, WHO knows how many investments of my Love. They are ideas, fields of learning & development, hopes, dreams, visions, memories, experiences. They are not separate but move and flow and blend together to make up the movement of the whole river. The mountain stands vigilant behind me as my future churns within the ocean’s depths. I am nourished by the Earth and give nourishment in return. I am blue like the sky that dances on my back. Do not tell me to turn my frown upside down–I smile in rainbows as the sunlight greets my misty waterfalls, the corners of my mouth guard golden treasures as they come down to kiss Earth & sea. And in the dead of night, I am the black canvas for the journeys of infinite stars & the single silver-white eye of the moon.

With Love & Gratitude,

~ Ness

Love & Gratitude in the language of Water ~ (Dr. Masaru Emoto)

I shall go the way of the open sea, to the lands I knew before you came, and the cool ocean breezes shall blow from me the memory of your name. ~ Adela Florence Nicolson