Sexuality and Creative Energy

Good poetry, good music, etc. is not something to squeeze out at the first spark of creative arousal...nor is it something to be sold at first thought of arrival.
It doesn't need a fancy book to be written in.
It cannot be owned, but your heart it will capture...
Just for the sake of freeing it.
Joyfully breaking all ropes, chains, limitations that ever bound you~
all that which limited the full range of your breath,
the force of your emotions,
the vividness of your imagination,
the possibilities of your existence...
so that you may feel the true expansiveness of your own Love,
and that we may share it together.

Beyond the body and the air you breathe
An eclipse of the confounds of space & time
Beyond rhythm & rhyme ~ beyond reason, beyond the mind

No...good poetry [& good sex] takes it time.
So light a candle and make the space fine!
Do what you were born to do ~
ENJOY this gift to Be Alive.

For who would ever hurry a blissful act of union with their Beloved? take your sweet time, and make the space real fine--
Space within, as without.
And you welcome & appreciate every last drop of their presence,
are thankful for every word that flows from their lips,
every glint & sparkle of their eye,
every touch given & received,
every moment to breathe the same air,
every moment to be here, together, as One

HINT: the better you are at doing this in the light of day, in your daily life...the better you will be in bed at night...or on the writing-table, the kitchen counter, in the shower, on the floor... ;)

Good ideas, plans, and investments of your attention & life-force energy need time~space to gestate properly, time~space to ripen to the fullness of their possibility of being, time-space to be nurtured with pure water & loving kindness. And if you are the container for those ideas to grow within, that means you must be giving yourself that good food & pure water!
Find a balance between taking directive and allowing it to unfold.
Stop here and there to see how your prayers and intentions for your Life have already arrived or been answered.
And please, remember it is your creative force you are working with~
treat it with respect
treat is as sacred
treat it as a precious gift...
and it will multiply all gifts given & received.
Use it as/with/for Love and in-JOY!

Above all, remember you ARE the Beloved ~
force of Love and transformation within & around you.
To Love and be-Loved is your divine birthright,
your obligation–to yourself.
Create it.
Think, speak, and act with Love.
Penetrate the idea or spark of inspiration and let the candle of ever-presence burst into a flame. Feel it, receive it.
Breathe deep.
Let yourself be emptied and filled in rhythmic motion, cycles of cosmic devotion...
Once you were stardust and one day you'll be soil.
But now we are here.
Open your Heart!

artist unknown