
Microdosing Tinctures

These are very powerful plant teachers, harvested with great consciousness & balanced reciprocity between People & Land. All tinctures have been prepared ceremonially, with Love & prayer, presence & intention.

The following tinctures have been provided in cooperation with a small mountain community backed by years of lived study in traditional/ancestral Andean & Amazonian medicine. Fifty percent of profits go back to supporting this community in their work towards regenerating and liberating land, building a school to bridge ancestral knowledge with modern life, and preserving Indigenous lifeways and wisdom. These plants are allies to help us advance together with clarity, understanding, and Love in these times.

Wachuma Flower Tincture

25 mL micro-dosing tincture at a concentration of 9:1 for inner spiritual & emotional work.
Flowering of intuition
Opening of the heart
Balancing of the feminine.

A white, crystalline cactus flower that blooms at night. She is known traditionally in parts of the Andes as a bringer of "good luck" and renewal ~ she helps us to spiral up!

(Recommended use: see description below)

Wachuma Cactus Tincture

25 mL micro-dosing tincture at a concentration of 9:1 for inner spiritual & emotional work.
A teacher who gives shows us how to weave, think and create from our Heart, our 'chaupin', the center of the center of the Center... Promotes clarity, focus, & heightened levels of awareness; helps in opening the Heart and cutting away negative distortions of thought/belief; can help you to find your true work, Heart path, service <3

(Recommended use: see description below)

Salvia Tincture

25 mL micro-dosing tincture at a concentration of 9:1 for inner spiritual & emotional work
The "High Priestess"
Helpful for dreamwork, working with unconscious/subconscious mind, self-awareness.
Possibly helpful as well in releasing trauma.

(Recommended use: see description below)

Recommended Usage (click to view)

Working with plant teachers in this way (microdosing & “dietas”) is rather subtle. Thus, it is recommended to heighten your sensitivity by eating a very clean diet during the 10-14 days of micro-dosing, as well as to make time & space in one's life to connect to the plants, to listen within, to be in nature or meditate. You may also like to keep a journal to record any special dreams or insights you receive.

They are taken once or twice per day, depending on the tincture. 

Flower Essences

Wild harvested and homemade flower essences designed to bring ease, strength, and sweetness on an emotional level.
Currently available:
~ Wachuma/San Pedro Flower
~ Oak & Mustard Flowers for Strength & Joy
~ Wild Mountain Rose

If you have questions or would like to order a tincture or flower essence, please email me: